L’ultimo viaggio in Turchia, in qualità di ospite presso il mio Rivenditore Piramit, è stato molto faticoso ma anche molto produttivo. Ho potuto infatti affiancare i tecnici della ditta in importanti installazioni e dimostrazioni, dando loro tutto il supporto al fine di renderli quanto più possibile preparati a risolvere le piccole problematiche dei clienti alle prime esperienze. Vorrei ringraziare pubblicamente il sig, Naim e il sig. Tony che con Erkan, Sayad, e Lara (insostituibile ed bravissima assistente personale del sig. Naim) hanno reso piacevolissima la mia prolungata permanenza di quasi 2 settimane, nonostante la quantità di lavoro svolto. A presto e… INSHALLAH!
Alcune Immagini da Istanbul
My last trip in Turkey, as a guest of my reseller Piramit, was very hard but very productive too. In fact I could support the technicians during important installations and demonstrations, giving to them all my experiences to make them able to solve all the problems that every new customer must face at the beginning.
I would like to thank publicly Mr. Naim and his brother Mr. Tony who make delightful my stay.
Special thanks to Erkan and Sayad, two unforgettable friends and co-workers, and last but not least to Lara (the manager assistant of the company), who was able to extend my stay, to book my flights and to support me for every needs in this nearly 2 weeks. So, what can I say more?... INSHALLAH!
Some Images from Istanbul
Alcune Immagini da Istanbul
My last trip in Turkey, as a guest of my reseller Piramit, was very hard but very productive too. In fact I could support the technicians during important installations and demonstrations, giving to them all my experiences to make them able to solve all the problems that every new customer must face at the beginning.
I would like to thank publicly Mr. Naim and his brother Mr. Tony who make delightful my stay.
Special thanks to Erkan and Sayad, two unforgettable friends and co-workers, and last but not least to Lara (the manager assistant of the company), who was able to extend my stay, to book my flights and to support me for every needs in this nearly 2 weeks. So, what can I say more?... INSHALLAH!
Some Images from Istanbul