Nonostante il cambio di indirizzo, la società rimane fortemente legata alla Faro srl di cui è esclusivista per l’estero, e mantiene anche la vicinanza territoriale con quest’ultima per garantire la migliore operatività nella gestione del post-vendita. Ci scusiamo con tutti per eventuali inconvenienti di questi giorni dovuti ai preparativi per il cambio di sede.

Finally Exportech has changed the office, Enrico Guidi and Fulvio Ghersel would like to thank all the friends came to the opening event. It was a special way to wish us good luck for the future.
Even if we changed the operating office, the nearness to Faro srl will guarantee the best service to our customers and dealers.
We would like to apologize to everyone have had any problem to contact us in these crazy days.... Since next Monday everything should be ok.
Finally Exportech has changed the office, Enrico Guidi and Fulvio Ghersel would like to thank all the friends came to the opening event. It was a special way to wish us good luck for the future.
Even if we changed the operating office, the nearness to Faro srl will guarantee the best service to our customers and dealers.
We would like to apologize to everyone have had any problem to contact us in these crazy days.... Since next Monday everything should be ok.